Exciting news for our Transition Years! We checked out the island today ahead of tomorrows trip to [...]
Dear Parent/Guardian Please see attached letters regarding the first Parents association meeting of the school year ( [...]
After the introduction of the U11s girls team last season, Dromore Villa are entering an U11 [...]
Dear Parents / Guardians, The Department of Education is currently reviewing the Education’s Assistive Technology Grant Scheme ( [...]
Welcome to
“Our school ethos places caring for and nurturing students at the forefront of what we do.
We believe that the spirit of Coláiste Iascaigh lies in our commitment to help our students to realise their academic, moral and social potential.”
On behalf of the school community we extend a warm welcome to you and your child as you embark on their journey through second level education.
The chance to take part in curriculum based projects and extra curriculum activities enhances the learning opportunities for all our students.
School News
Transition Year Trip
Exciting news for our Transition Years! We checked out the island today ahead of tomorrows trip to Achill Outdoor Education Centre. After a [...]
1st year Visual Art Taster: Constructing with spaghetti and marshmallows
1st year students are currently participating in taster classes in the option subjects. In Visual Art students have been using their problem [...]
Sports News
U-14 Girls Football
Congratulations to the U-14 Colaiste Iascaigh girls who had a great victory today against Grange. Final score 10-13 Easkey 5-6 Grange.
Senior Girls Football
Yesterday our girls travelled to Ballymote for a Sligo PPS senior game v Colaiste Mhuire. Our girls put in a great effort [...]