Dear Parents/ Guardians
Please see attached the following message sent on behalf of Coláste Iascaighs Parents Council
We are now entering the next stage of the consultation process for the senior cycle review. In this stage, we are seeking feedback on the following subjects:
Design and Communication Graphics, Agricultural Science, History, Home Economics, Mathematics, Music, Physics and Chemistry, Computer Science.
The National Parents Council would like to get your views on any or all of the areas mentioned above. You will see below a series of 8 links to each of these areas so you can choose to answer as many of these as you wish.
Within each one there is a link to the NCCA survey, which goes into more detail on each of these proposals. Please feel free to follow this link to respond to the NCCA survey directly.
Design and Communication Graphics Survey:
Agricultural Science Survey:
History Survey:
Home Economics Survey:
Mathematics Survey:
Music Survey:
Physics and Chemistry Survey:
Computer Science Survey:
Thank you for your participation. Your feedback is valuable in shaping the future of the senior cycle curriculum.