Parents Council
Dear Parents/ Guardians Please see attached the following message sent on behalf of Coláste Iascaighs Parents Council [...]
Dear Parents/ Guardians Please see attached the following message sent on behalf of Coláste Iascaighs Parents Council [...]
Wishing the best of luck to our examination year groups who are sitting mock examinations this week. Junior [...]
Dear Parents/Guardians Due to the extreme nature of Storm Éowyn and the threat of multi-hazard weather events as [...]
Support your local school, donate you bottle and cans in school or at Bernie's Shop! Thanks to Bernie [...]
First and Second Year Girls Basketball Training Every Thursday starting tomorrow 16th January 4 - 4.45pm in the [...]
ATU SLIGO AND ATU ST ANGELAS OPEN EVENING The ATU Sligo and ATU St Angelas Open Evening [...]